xxx Home - Kumul Lodge
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Welcome to Kumul Lodge

Kumul Lodge: 2,861 metres - 8,585 feet 

Kumul Lodge is one of the  best known landowner eco-tourism lodges in Papua New Guinea. Made out of local materials, entirely owned and managed by local people and employing local guides you can be sure that your money is helping to support the people of the immediate area.  Our presence here helps to preserve the surrounding forest as a home for some of the most beautiful and unusual birds in the world. We are working to raise local environmental awareness and in time hope that our ongoing efforts will lead to the area being declared a National Park.

Astrapia Mayeri
Epimachus Meyeri

For your enjoyment Kumul Lodge has a short network of nature trackseco tracksfitness tracks or walking tracks through its grounds. In order to maintain our high standard of security we recommend that you get accompanied by  our friendly and helpful hotel staff. 

Kumul Lounge

While at  Kumul Lodge a number of activities can be enjoyed  by in-house guests. Both 1/2 day and full day tours can be arranged. A fee will apply for most activities.

Bird Watching
Orchid Finding
Nature walks and studies
Frog and Insects finding 
Trekking up the Hagen Mountain with cave hotel stay near the wondrous, mystic and sacred top of the Hagen Mountain with its historic  stories and events (to be collected and printed).
Picnics at especially beautiful places
Star Watching 
Holiday Hide-Away for total relaxation
Local village visits  
Traditional earth oven meals
Attending special events such as the Mt Hagen Cultural Show
A cancellation fee will be charged for late cancellations; last minute cancellations and cancellations without notice. 30%.  

Veranda Birding



Airport Transfers Via - HAGEN/KUMUL/HAGEN 

Transfer from Kagamuga Airport

per person - one way  K70.00

Transfer for 5 to 7 persons

per person - one way  K58.00

Transfer from 8 persons upwards

per person - one way  K52.00 



Transfer from Enga - Wapenemanda Airport

per person - one way  K58.00

Transfer for 5 to 7 perons

per person - one way  K46.00

Transfer from 8 persons upwards

per person - one way K38.00


 Tranfer from Wabag

per person - one way  K80.00

Transfer for 5 to 7 persons

per person  K70.00

Transfer for 8 persons upward

per person - one way  K60.00


*Transfer of additional luggage:  See single transfer rates above